So to start off, this is my very FIRST blog! I know I'm a bit behind but I've recently discovered a new hobby that I would love to share with the world, miniature dollhouse collecting. Ever since I was young I've always had an obsession with miniatures. Something about the way having everyday items shrunk down to a tiny scale just puts a smile to my face. Maybe it's the cute factor or the thought of being able to create my own world.
It all started a week before Christmas 2011, I decided to get something for myself. Surfing through the web thinking of something creative and worthwhile to award myself with I stumbled upon dollhouses. The rush of excitement ran through me like a kid. I've always wanted a real dollhouse, but my family couldn't afford it. Well lucky me I found a dollhouse kit for just $29! From that click of purchase there on I've been obsessing and collecting miniatures/dollhouses. Here's my very first dollhouse I made.
It took a lot of elbow grease to get it finished but the journey was fun! I learned a lot about tools I've never used before. I also learned about patience. This project takes time even for a small house. Here is what the house looks like without all the paint and glitz.
front |
Looks bare but boy can you make it look beautiful. It's like makeup. ;o) Here is the inside of the house now.
Isn't it just the cutest! The best part was decorating the house and furnishing it. Goodness the things you can find on the Internet. The pink cabinet I painted myself. It only cost $1 at Micheal's. What a deal! This is a Greenleaf brand dollhouse. It was a bit hard to put together because you had to sand almost all the edges and some parts didn't fit. But it was all worth it! I've already got two more dollhouses in the works. One is for my friend's daughter who is 3 and one for myself. I got myself the "Real Good Toys" brand because I heard that it's much more sturdy and easier to assemble. It does cost a bit more and doesn't look as cute but maybe a little paint and pizazz will bring it to life. I'm surely going to blog as I build this time! The small world I've created is fun indeed. |